Will Baur, graduate of Five Oaks Academy’s Middle School Program and founding student at Five Oaks Academy, Inc., attended Duke’s Regional Summer Program at Appalachian State University. Duke offers a variety of summer programs for students who qualify in their Duke Talent Identification Program (T.I.P).
Students qualify in the 7th grade if recommended by MAP results, to take the SAT and/or ACT.
The summer camp focus is on different types of study and qualifying students attend workshops paired with their academic excellence.
Will attended “America and the World: Challenges and Opportunities” for a three week study. Upon leaving the course, Duke Professors wrote: “Will was a good addition to the classroom. He was well respected by his instructors and peers and contributed to a supportive learning environment for all. When Will participated in debates/discussions, he captured many important points that were being overlooked. He was very analytically driven, and processed information with great depth. He typically brought a voice of objectivity, which was greatly appreciated. In his final project, he showed good creative writing ability and gave analysis with policy recommendations. It is clear that Will has a real excitement for learning new things and being challenged in an opportunity to grow intellectually.”