Event Categories

Every event at Five Oaks Academy is unique, but in order to help you find the one you are looking for we have grouped them into the following categories:
Featured Events
Featured Events

Every event at Five Oaks Academy is special but sometimes there are ones we REALLY want to make sure you do not miss!

School Closings & Early Dismissals
School Closings & Early Dismissals

School-wide closing or early dismissals that impact all classrooms of the Five Oaks Academy community.

Community Celebrations
Community Celebrations

Special events and celebrations where all classrooms from the Five Oaks Academy community will be participating.

PTO Events
PTO Events

Events hosted, sponsored or supported by the Five Oaks Academy Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) that are intended for specific classrooms or the entire community.

Parent Lecture Series
Parent Lecture Series

An ongoing event series that takes place over the course of the academic year at Five Oaks Academy and often include guest speakers, special presentations and topics of interest.


Events associated with the The Montessori Public
The Montessori Public Policy Initiative (MPPI), and organization dedicated to bringing high quality education to all children.

Annual Fund
Annual Fund

Special events hosted by the Five Oaks Academy Annual Fund and its relentless pursuit of developing a world class environment dedicated to the education of our children.