The mission of Five Oaks Academy is to open minds to the world and to enlighten individuals on a journey to discover and support their true potential. Our community embodies rigorous academic instruction that is steeped in teaching interpersonal skills and accountability. Interdependence between academic and social development is critical to offering our students opportunities for future independence. We are a community that encourages, inspires, nurtures, and supports children to be passionate about knowledge.
We believe in fostering a love of learning.
We believe in upholding the Montessori philosophy.
We believe in the development of individual identity.
We believe in mutual respect among all individuals on our campus.
We believe in a global vision for education.
We believe in integrity of words and actions in our community.
We believe in fostering strengths.
We believe in the potential and inherent worth of every child.
We believe in cultivating happiness, kindness, and tolerance.
We believe in evolving to meet our community’s needs.
We believe in providing a safe environment that supports learning and discovery.
We believe in promoting innovation, exploration, and creativity.
We believe in encouraging research and inquiry through STEAM.
We believe in modeling collaborative, positive decision-making.
We believe in encouraging perseverance, risk-taking, and successful failures (grit).
We believe in creating a respectful environment that promotes independence and positive self-esteem.
We believe in encouraging students to be resourceful and entrepreneurial.
We believe in time for reflection.
We believe in empowering children to be confident.
We believe in self-expression and advocating needs.