Archive for News – Page 14

FOA Hosts Renowned Author and Speaker Dr. Jane Bluestein

JB_2013-thumbPlease join Five Oaks Academy at the Simpsonville Arts Foundation Inc. (SAFi) on April 23 at 6:00 p.m. for a special event exploring Effective Communication with your child: Win-Win Strategies for the 21st Century Parent. Special guest speaker, Dr. Jane Bluestein, will focus on how to avoid power struggles with your child, motivate children with positive consequences, build cooperative relationships with mutual respect, and guide children to make their own choices. Dr. Bluestein will offer 15 simple “Magic Sentences” for effective communication. These key phrases offer parents practical ways to use specific positive language to avoid conflict and negotiate agreements. Dr. Bluestein is an award-winning author and internationally known speaker who has made several appearances as a guest expert on CNN, National Public Radio and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

FOA would like to thank Summers Orthodontics, Flatrock Family Dentistry, Five Oaks Academy Annual Fund and the South Carolina Montessori Association for sponsoring this event.

Catch a sneak peek of Dr. Bluestein on Your Carolina with Jack and Megan on Thursday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. on WSPA.

Five Oaks Academy Goes GOLD!

IMG_0402Congratulations to the 13 students who performed at the SCISA Music Festival held at The University of South Carolina’s School of Music on Thursday, March 12. The students each performed before a judge a piece of music they had selected. The performances ranged from voice ensembles, instrumental ensembles, piano soloists and guitar soloists. All 13 students earned the top score of “Superior” and were awarded the highest honor of the festival, a gold medal!   We are so proud of all of our students and their dedication with many long hours of practice! A special thank you to our music sponsor, Mr. Chris, who organized and led our students in this competition for the first time.

FOA “Battle of the Books” Teams Comes in First and Fourth at State Competition

IMG_0557Five Oaks Academy competed in the “Battle of Books” competition through the South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA). Both of our teams, Middle and Elementary, competed in Regionals in November and made it to the state finals held March 3. The FOA Middle School Team won 1st place competing against 12 other teams from the 3 regions of the state. The FOA Upper Elementary Team, who placed 1st in Regionals, placed 4th at the state competition.

Congratulations to both teams! Your many hours of reading and practice, along with great teamwork and collaboration paid off!  A SCISA Representative will come to our International Festival to recognize our state championship.

Dr. Jane Bluestein Event Rescheduled Due to Inclement Weather

Walgreens12BMBFlatColorHandsonFaceREVISED2flatDue to the inclement weather expected, the Dr. Jane Bluestein event Communicating Effectively with Your Child: Win-Win Strategies for the 21st century Parent will not be held tomorrow, February 26.  The rescheduled presentation will be on Thursday, April 23 at 6:00pm.

Dr. Bluestein will use this opportunity to share her deep understanding of child development and unique perspective on parent/child interactions. She will give practical advice that is applicable for both parents and educators to use in daily interactions with children. Her focus will be on how to avoid power struggles and communicate peacefully with your child. Please join us for this entertaining and informational event.




FOA Celebrates School Choice Week

photoFive Oaks Academy celebrated National School Choice Week with a spirit day Wednesday, January 28.  National School Choice Week shines a spotlight on the need for effective education options for all children. FOA supports the rights of individuals to choose a school that fits the needs of their child and their family.  For more information on School Choice or to see where  South Carolina stacks up against other states on the issues concerning school choice,  visit

School Choice Week is a nonpartisan and nonpolitical public awareness effort.

Kidding Around Greenville Readers Named FOA in Top 10 Preschools

preschools-in-greenvilleFOA is thrilled to be named one of  Greenville’s Top 10 Preschools by Kidding Around Greenvilles readers.  Kidding Around Greenville is a website designed to unite a community of parents to help each other find schools, upcoming events, and other needed information. Find FOA on their Top 10 list at



FOA Hosts Award Winning Author Jane Bluestein

Due to the inclement weather expected, the Dr. Jane Bluestein event will not be held February 26. Save the date to attend her rescheduled presentation on Thursday, April 23 at 6:00pm. 

Walgreens12BMBFlatColorHandsonFaceREVISED2flatFive Oaks Academy is excited to announce that Dr. Jane Bluestein, award-winning author of over ten books, will speak  at the Simpsonville Fine Arts Center on February 26 at 6:00pm. This event, Communicating Effectively with Your Child; Win-Win Strategies for the 21st Century Parent will give Dr. Bluestein the opportunity to share her deep understanding of child development and unique perspective on parent/child interactions. FOA’s director, Kathleen Trewhella-Grant, and several staff members have had the opportunity to hear Dr. Bluestein keynote at various conferences and were impressed by her informative, dynamic and entertaining presence.

Dr. Bluestein has worked with thousands of educators, counselors, healthcare professionals, parents, childcare workers, and other community members world-wide. She specializes in programs and resources geared to provide practical and meaningful information, as well as training in areas related to relationship building, effective instruction and guidance, and personal development. Her extensive bio can be found at We would like to extend the invitation to all family and friends that would benefit from this enlightening event. Dr. Bluestein will have books available for signing at this event.

Five Oaks Academy would like to thank Summers Orthodontics, Five Oaks Annual Fund, Flatrock Family Dentistry and the South Carolina Montessori Alliance for sponsoring this event.


Greenwood Genetics Mobile Lab Visits FOA Middle School

IMG_3989The 7th and 8th graders had the wonderful opportunity of working with Greenwood Genetics Lab on Thursday, January 15 . This mobile lab allows students to be able to put their knowledge to the test. For the past nine weeks, the Middle School students have studied cells, genetics and heredity. This was the culminating project for the students. Each child had a work station and was able to participate in two experiments.

The first experiment consisted of extracting DNA from split peas. The students learned and practiced all safety precautions and were able separate the pea proteins to find and see the actual DNA. The second experiment was more of a real life experiment. The kids used the process of gel electrophoresis to test the proteins in imitation crab meat and real crabmeat. They then were able to apply this information to find out if a crab dish brought to a hypothetical pot luck was used to poison a hypothetical victim.

The kids really enjoyed applying the knowledge they have learned about cells and genetics to a real life experiment. It was a great way for the students to see how you can use basic skills we learn at school and begin to weave a path for future jobs and interests.

FOA Hosts Alumni Panel for January Parent Workshop

photoPlease join us for a panel discussion featuring FOA graduates to hear first-hand about their transition to high school and how FOA prepared them for their future. We are excited to welcome back our alumni on January 22 at 6pm to the FOA campus. This year we will also have several alumni parents on the panel to answer questions and give a parent’s perspective of the process.

This is a wonderful opportunity to see the culmination of our program from a variety of graduates at different stages of their high school careers. We invite FOA families and perspective families to this insightful evening to learn what to expect during the transition to high school and beyond to the college years. This is always an affirming evening to hear our well-spoken graduates speak about being prepared for high school. We are so proud of our graduates!

“Middle school is, of course, geared to prepare a student for the hustle and bustle of high school, but what I found once I entered 9th grade is that the FOA Middle School not only prepared me to get by, but to exceed in every class both academically and socially.” -Tucker Wulf, Sophomore


“FOA Middle School gave me more than just a solid education and preparation for high school honors classes. It helped me to realize my true potential. I feel confident and secure in a place where peer pressure is constant” – Carson Barber Sophomore

FOA’s Battle of the Books Teams Qualifiy for State Competition

Scisa 2Congratulations to the Battle of the Books teams who represented Five Oaks Academy at the South Carolina Regional Competition at Thomas Sumter Academy on Thursday,  November 20. The  Upper Elementary team placed first and the Middle School Team placed fourth. Both teams qualified  to compete in the State Competition to be held in March, 2015.


SCISA 1The team started preparing for the competition this summer when they were required to read from a selection of 20 books. The teams practiced both during and after school. Congratulations to the Battle of the Books team members  for all their hard work.